
Run Vue apps inside Siebel CRM Applets

Siebel CRM

Siebel's Open UI architecture allows to embed custom JavaScript applications inside Siebel Applets. This is a great way to harness the power of modern JavaScript frameworks and libraries to build rich user interfaces. Siebel usually exposes JQuery to the global scope, but it's hard to build a modern application with JQuery alone. Since JavaScript frameworks in the end are just JavaScript, we can use them inside Siebel Applets. Not only that, we can use TypeScript and all the other modern tools that we're used to.

The only quirk is that everything has to be bundled into a single file. This is because Siebel requires you to explicitly specify all the custom files that you want to load from a repository to your applet. It's easier to have a single file.

💡 Learn more about how to configure Vite to output a single file here.
JavaScript framework
This article is about Vue, but the same approach can be used for React, Angular, Svelte, or any other framework.

Siebel Lifecycle hooks

Siebel provides a set of lifecycle hooks that allow to run custom code at different stages of the application lifecycle: Learn more

We're interested in the ShowUI event, which is fired when the applet is rendered.

if (typeof SiebelAppFacade.VueAppConfigPR === "undefined") {
  define("siebel/custom/VueAppConfigPR", ["siebel/phyrenderer"], function () {
    SiebelAppFacade.VueAppConfigPR = (function () {
      // ... other lifecycle hooks
      VueAppConfigPR.prototype.ShowUI = function () {
        SiebelAppFacade.VueAppConfigPR.superclass.ShowUI.apply(this, arguments);
        // We're going to send a browser event
        // and listen to it in our Vue application
        // to determine when to mount the app
      // ... other lifecycle hooks
      return VueAppConfigPR;
    return "SiebelAppFacade.VueAppConfigPR";
💡 The code above has been generated with this handy Open UI PR/PM/CR code generator by Duncan Ford.

Configuring the applet

  • Add your output bundle to the /scripts/custom/<path> folder of your Siebel web server.
  • Open Administration - Application > Manifest Files and create a new record with the path to your bundle as its Name

Configuring Physical Renderer (PR)

if (typeof SiebelAppFacade.VueAppConfigPR === "undefined") {
  define("siebel/custom/VueAppConfigPR", [
    "scripts/custom/<vue bundle path> ",
  ], function () {
    // ...
    return "SiebelAppFacade.VueAppConfigPR";
- define("siebel/custom/VueAppConfigPR", ["siebel/phyrenderer"]
+ define("siebel/custom/VueAppConfigPR", ["siebel/phyrenderer", "siebel/scripts/custom/<vue bundle path>"]
Example: 'siebel/scripts/custom/vue-bundle.js'
// ...
VueAppConfigPR.prototype.ShowUI = function () {
  SiebelAppFacade.VueAppConfigPR.superclass.ShowUI.apply(this, arguments);

  const root = $("<div>", { id: "app" });

  // `_svf0` is the id of the applet
  const vueAppEvent = new Event("renderVueApp");
// ...

Configuring Vue

import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";

const __IS_SIEBEL__ = window.SiebelApp !== undefined;

function runApp() {
  const app = createApp(App);
  /** ... */

if (__IS_SIEBEL__) {
  document.addEventListener("renderVueApp", () => {
} else runApp();
💡 If __IS_SIEBEL__ is false, we're most likely running the application in a development environment, so we can just mount the app right away. Otherwise, we're going to wait for the renderVueApp event to be fired.

Work in progress...